J&K Grameen Bank Digital Banking Agreement and Disclosure

This Digital Banking Agreement and Disclosure (The Agreement) explains the terms and conditions governing basic Digital Banking Service (The Service) offered by J&K Grameen Bank .

By using The Service, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of The Agreement. For clarity, the terms “we”, “us”, “our” and “Bank” refer to “ J&K Grameen Bank”. “You” and “Your” refers to each person who is enrolled in The Service.

The Service and each of your accounts are also governed by the applicable disclosures, rates and fee schedules provided by J&K
Grameen Bank in your deposit and loan agreements given to you when your accounts were established.

Your initial use of The Service constitutes your acceptance of and agreement to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of The Agreement with J&K
Grameen Bank , and acknowledges your receipt and understanding of The Agreement.

Each person must enroll to have access to his or her account(s). The only accounts accessible are the accounts on which you are listed as owner. To enroll, visit a J&K
Grameen Bank branch and speak with a personal banker for details. 

As a user of The Service, there is currently no charge to use The Service. If the Bank begins to charge for use of the Service, you will be notified in writing at least 30 days in advance of any charges being applied to your account.

Online Business Day/Transaction Cut-off Time 
The Service is typically available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except during maintenance periods. Transactions initiated before 8:00 P.M. IST on a business day as defined under the Funds Availability Act will post the same day. Transactions initiated after that time on a business day, Saturday, Sunday, or bank holiday, will post on the next business day.


Password and Security
A new password will be required after your initial log in to The Service. Your password should never be one that can be easily guessed or consist solely of personally identifiable information. Also, never write your password in a location which might be accessible to anyone not authorized to access your account(s).  Valid passwords must contain characters from EACH of the following groups: 

Mix of uppercase and lowercase letters


One or more of the following symbols: !@#$%^&*?+=~._

The password will be case sensitive and must include a minimum of six characters. We recommend changing your password periodically to enhance security. If you forget your password, please contact our Customer Service Department to have a new temporary password issued. Safeguard your password and do not, under any circumstances, disclosure it to anyone.

Upon logging in for the first time, you will also be requested to select and answer several challenge questions.  For enhanced security, the challenge questions should be selected based on the answers only being known to you. 

Liability for Transaction
You are liable for all transactions made or authorized using your password. Do not, under any circumstances, disclose your password by telephone or e-mail to anyone claiming to represent J&K Grameen Bank  employees do not need and should not ask for your password. Do not disclose your password to anyone. Should you believe your password has been compromised, please promptly notify Customer Service and request it be reset. If, at any time, you believe your password has been lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised, please notify Customer Service promptly.

Our Liability for Failure to Complete Transactions 
If a transfer to or from your account is not completed on time or in the correct amount, according to our agreement with you, we may be liable for a portion of your losses or damages, if none of the following exceptions apply:

through no fault of ours, you do not have sufficient funds in your account to complete the transfer;

the money in your account is subject to a legal process or other encumbrances restricting the transfer;

the Digital Banking System was not working properly when you initiated the transfer;

circumstances beyond our control (such as fire, flood or systems failure) prevent the transfer, despite reasonable precautions that we have taken.

Errors and Questions
In case of errors, problems you may be experiencing with The Service, or if you have questions about your electronic transfers, contact our Customer Service Department as soon as possible. 

The full disclosure for the error resolution procedures concerning electronic transfers is provided to you in the account brochures provided to you when you opened your account and mailed annually thereafter. This disclosure is also available upon request by contacting us via the information provided above. 

Termination or Discontinuation

You may terminate the use of this Digital Banking Service by contacting J&K Grameen Bank in writing. If your account is closed or restricted for any reason, Digital Banking accessibility will automatically terminate.

Additional provisions with regard to Digital Banking:

Computer Requirements 
Access to the Digital Banking Service will be provided through the internet. You are solely responsible for the setup, installation, operation, and maintenance of the equipment you use to access The Service and for providing your own access to the Internet through the Internet Service Provider of your choice. Other requirements include:

1st and 3rd party cookies enabled

Anti-malware protection

We are not responsible for the cost of upgrading your equipment to stay current with The Service. We are not responsible for any errors or failures from any malfunction of your computer and we are not responsible for any computer virus or related problems that may be associated with the use of your computer. 

Privacy and Confidentiality 
J&K Grameen Bank is strongly committed to protecting your security and confidentiality. Account information accessed through The Service is located on a secure encrypted server. To ensure the privacy of your account information while you are online, you are only able to access your account with high security browsers. Once logged in, you will automatically be logged off after fifteen (10) minutes of sustained non-activity. Our customer privacy statement can be obtained via the link on our home page or provided to you upon request. 

Funds Transfer Limitations 
Some of the transfers permitted through The Service may be governed by Regulation D. For more information, please refer to the Truth in Savings Disclosure provided to you in the account brochures provided to you when you opened your account. This disclosure is also available upon request by contacting the Customer Service Department.

Statements are made available for view and/or print through The Service. In addition to other account activity, these statements will include any transactions authorized using The Service.

To view your statements, your browser or device may require PDF viewer/reader software or capabilities. If you are unable to access your statements via The Service, please contact the Customer Service Department of J&K Grameen Bank.

Links to Other Sites 
Our website may contain links to websites not operated by J&K Grameen Bank. We provide these links for your convenience, but we do not review, control, or monitor the materials on any other websites. We do not control, guarantee, endorse or have any responsibility for the content, recommendations, products or services provided by the linked sites. We are not responsible for the performance of those sites or for your business dealings with them. We are not liable for any failure of products and services advertised on those sites. Please use caution when using linked websites, as they may be less secure than the Bank’s website.

Electronic Messaging and Notices 
General inquiries concerning maintenance and other issues should be directed to the Customer Service Department at J&K Grameen Bank. See the “Contact Us” link on the J&K Grameen Bank website. You should NOT use this form or regular e-mail to initiate banking transactions or give personal identifying information. This form is NOT located on a secure encrypted server. 

Disclosure of Account Information to Third Parties
We will disclose information to third parties about your account or the transfers you make only in the following situations: 

Where it is necessary for operating The Service.

In order to comply with a governmental agency or court orders.

If you provide written permission.


Alterations and Amendments
The terms of this Agreement, applicable fees and service charges may be altered or amended by J&K Grameen Bank from time to time. Any use of The Service after J&K Grameen Bank posts a change will constitute your agreement to such change(s). Further, J&K Grameen Bank may from time to time revise or update the programs, and/or related material, which may render all such program versions obsolete. Consequently, J&K Grameen Bank reserves the right to terminate this Agreement as to all such prior versions of The Service, and/or related material and limit access to J&K Grameen Bank more recent revisions and updates of The Service. 

The captions of Sections hereof are for convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning or construction of any of the provisions for this Agreement.

Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Hatyana, without regard to its conflicts of law provisions.

J&K Grameen Bank has the right to deny, modify or terminate this agreement at any time. We will comply with any notice requirements under applicable law for such changes or termination. If we terminate The Agreement, no further Digital Banking transfers will be processed. If we modify The Agreement, your continued use of The Service will constitute your acceptance of such changes in each instance.